CarpeDiva's Benevolent Oligarchy

Oh what a wicked decscription will I weave, once I'm not so freaking tired...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

how YOU doin'?

mmmm, sweet bloggety goodness! can't believe it's taken me this long to get one. leave it to google (the greatest site the world has ever known!) to lead me down the path to righteousness. i've gotta start checking their tools page more frequently. thank god for an article on orkum i read that reminded me about the whole blogger extravaganza.

although i'm already irritated cuz they don't have tahoma!

okay, i've come to terms with verdana and there is a surprisingly robust editing menu; i'm in dork heaven, as evidenced by the fact that it's way past my bedtime.

anyway, i'm really excited about this, since i talk to myself (and my dog) constantly, and like most egomaniacs, think much of it is worth being recorded, if only for my future amusement! it will be interesting to see if this becomes an indispensible part of my life, like a true journal, or if it will fall by the wayside after my initial burst of enthusiasm, as many things in my life tend to.

natch, i like to think it's because genius is easily bored. but an uncle once said to me as a child, "you have no stick-to-it-ive-ness." i hated it then because of the irritating perfection of the made up phrase, and i hated it because i feared he was right. come to think of it, check, check on still hating it for both those reasons.

also, i'll have to sort of decide: i am writing to myself, or the imagined collective YOU? god, there's prolly a FAQ on that.

okay, i fade, so to bed. but my inaugural post... schweet.


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